School ERP Software

School ERP Software

Committed to contribute in academic sector using digital technologies, we have developed and designed this state-of-the-art software that delivers the industry best solution to institutions through its automated features. Paying careful attention to ease of use while incorporating every feature that may be required by the institutions.

Web Based School Management System

School Management System

In today's world technology plays a vital role in streamlining the whole system of education. JKM comprehensive school ERP is designed for education institutions which acts as a personal assistant and streamlines every administrative activity. A convenient and effective tool to help manage information. JKM School management ERP is a smart and consolidated platform which manages all departments in a school with complete tracking of student. The JKM school platform is not only designed for internal communication it’s also defines external tasks as well as fee reminder to parents, individual MOM with parents, teachers, result announcements of students, feedback from both teacher and student. Available with both the option Premised based and SaaS module platform.

Salient Feature of Our School Mangement
Information System

  •  Multi Dashboard Support
  •  Fees Management System
  •  Employee Performance System
  •  Student Management System
  •  Employee Management System
  •  Inquiry Management System
  •  AI Support
  •  Homework Notification
  •  Functions & Workshop Notification
  •  Student Management portal
  •  Teacher Management portal
  •  Attendance& Result Management
  •  Fee Management
  •  Hostel Management
  •  Student assignment portal
  •  Syllabus management portal
  •  Report card of teacher & student
  •  Inventory Management
  •  Library Management
  •  Transportation tracking by web & Mobile app
  •  Student achievement portal
  •  Teacher attendance portal
  •  Holiday announcement by SMS & Email
  •  Payroll management of teacher
 Fee Management